What Holiday Is May 15 2024. There are 9 observances on this day. Birthday of martin luther king, jr.

230 days left in 2024; Federal holiday, ab, bc, nb, nl, nt, nu, pei, sk, yt.
Washington’s Birthday (Aka Presidents Day) May.
Peace officers memorial day 2024:
Peace Officers Memorial Day 2024:
There are 9 observances on this day.
On The 20Th Week Of 2024 (Using Iso Standard Week Number.
Images References :
Washington’s Birthday (Aka Presidents Day) May.
These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates.
There Are Then 230 Days Left In 2024.
136th day of the year.
On The 20Th Week Of 2024 (Using Iso Standard Week Number.